Kathleen Kennedy Photo

Kathleen Kennedy

  • Profile

Kathleen Kennedy is the newest member of our Board of Directors. She is a psychologist with over 40 years of experience, specializing in pregnancy and baby loss. She earned her Ph.D. in 1990 from the University of Minnesota in Counseling Psychology. In 1987, she and her husband experienced the loss of their first child, Jessica July, when it was discovered that Jessica had a lethal diagnosis that would be dangerous to mama if carried to term. At 24 weeks, labor was induced and their precious baby girl was born still. They were later able to have a healthy son, and now enjoy a lovely daughter-in-law and two grandchildren. Their granddaughter shares Jessica’s name.

Nearly two decades ago, Kathleen formed a pro bono, on-going support group for parents facing heartbreaking decisions for babies they love. Her twice a month Difficult Decisions ~ A Time To Heal support group has served over 400 families. She is grateful to join hands with Denver Share, so that her support group continues as she begins to embrace private practice retirement. She will continue her community outreach and medical education training while transitioning the Difficult Decisions group to Denver Share. She is a devoted “gwandma,” yogi, and mountain dweller, as well as, an avid skier, hiker, snowshoer, and all-around fresh air devotee.